Profile PictureLDN Research Trust

The LDN Research Trust is a registered charity which is a non-profit organisation, everyone works as a volunteer and no one gets paid. Our aim is to raise awareness of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), help and support people obtain the correct information, support research and clinical trials of LDN as a treatment for autoimmune diseases. The results of such research will be published for the benefit of the public. Our ultimate goal is for everyone around the world to be prescribed LDN as a first line treatment for the 174+ conditions where LDN could be of benefit. In the UK we would like everyone who is prescribed LDN for obtain it on the NHS. We would like to thank all the speakers for their wonderful presentations and giving up their time to attend. It was greatly appreciated and the feedback has been amazing! Thank You! The LDN AIIC 2013 conference was organised by the LDN Research Trust and Mark Drugs.

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